Aquaventure SCUBA Academy Spain

We offer the whole range of NAUI scuba diving and DAN first aid training.


We are a NAUI Platinum Pro Dive Center. We are committed to the highest standard in training both for diving and first aid courses. That is why we work with NAUI and with DAN. As matter of fact, the academy is led by the Regional Manager of NAUI for Spain and Portugal who also happens to be the Regional Training Coordinator for DAN Europe. How would you like to be taught by this NAUI Course Director Trainer and his team?

We teach in small groups and even one to one. We specialize on the recreational and technical scuba-diving training of military personnel with G.I. Bill® benefits at the Naval Station Rota as well as other English-speaking civilians nation-wide. We have permanent facilities in Madrid. In Madrid and La Herradura (Granada) we offer NAUI and DAN courses all year round.

Safety always comes first, no matter what. We promote dive safety through thorough training, highly qualified instructors and training organizations with a higher standard: NAUI and DAN.


At Aquaventure SCUBA Academy Spain, we firmly believe it is worth it to learn right from the beginning and as such we invest a great deal of time in learning the way we dive. That is, we use right from the Open Water Scuba Diver course a Hogarthian configuration, with equipment you would normally use once you become more advanced or enter technical diving. Why wait if you can learn with the best equipment? Further, we emphasize good habits such as not getting on your knees while diving to resolve any issues. Why? Because you would not be able to do this in real dives in the ocean. It makes sense, sure, but, unfortunately, there is still a majority of dive schools teaching this old-fashioned wrong way of doing all the skills while on your knees. It is just faster and more profitable for them. However, we prioritize people and not profits. Last but not least, we try to teach you from the beginning proper skills such as horizontal trim, body and arms position, neutral buoyancy, and different finning techniques. Perhaps it takes a bit more time at the beginning, but you will enjoy your learnings throughout your whole life as a diver.

A higher standard

Safety always comes first. In fact, both NAUI and DAN are committed to safety through education. By the way, NAUI gradually includes rescue skills from the beginning of your training so that you can help others if required. This exceeds the standards of other training agencies. Thus, we can honestly say that NAUI has a higher standard. This can be seen in other courses, for example, in the Advanced Open Water Diver course, there are six dives required instead of the usual five.

Dive Safety through Education

We are avid divers who love to teach

We offer the whole range of NAUI recreational and technical diving courses and all the DAN first-aid courses both on a stand-alone basis and also in training packages. This goes from basic courses all the way up to leadership levels (divemaster, instructor and above).

We can offer blended learning opportunities to best meet your needs. If sitting in a room with a trainer and having the opportunity for discussion with other learners sounds good to you, then we can offer this. That is, if you have enough people wanting to attend the same course at the same time.

If you prefer to study in your own time and at your own speed then one of our e-learning packages may be best for you. You can also start any time you wish, since the e-learning option allows for this. There is a third alternative, if you like the sound of both but perhaps cannot attend all training sessions; this is when blended learning comes into its own.

International Network of Dive Centers

Being a member of the Aquaventure Scuba Academy international network has numerous advantages such as being able to do part of your training in one country and part in another while ensuring the same level of excellence. Also, it may be attractive to do one full course in one country and another one in a different country while maintaining the same standards.

Days of Sunshine
Diving Courses
Diving Locations